Restaurant Jarrasse becomes Maître Restaurateur

We are very glad to announce you that after the restaurants Michel Rostang, Dessirier and l'Absinthe, it is Jarrasse's turn to become « Maître Restaurateur ». This title simply reward what we have always did, that is to say welcoming you in a friendly place and getting our season products daily from our best suppliers that our team of cooks transform right here in our kitchen.
This title is awarded by the State on the basis of an audit made by an independant company and is designed to appreciate the excellence of the best professionals in the traditional restaurant industry by highlighting their expertise and their commitment to quality.
Indeed the tenure holders (around 3000 today) are judged on more than 30 standards such as the service, the reception, but also the tableware, the decoration, the comfort of the place and a 100%-home-made menu, that is to say a cuisine made on site and based on untreated and fresh products.
Not to be confused with the new symbol « fait maison » (home-made) - created in 2014 and that the restaurant holders must place next to every dish which is made on site and with untreated products - which results from a more general and transparent information campaign set up to meet the expectations and a real concern of French people : knowing what they eat and how their dish has been made.